Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Pretty Snazzy}

Well would you look it there!
It has gotten pretty snazzy around here.
Pull up a chair and stay awhile if you would like.
Look around and take it all in.
I sure would like it, if you would!
I got the itch a week or so ago to do a little face lift to the blog.
Out with the old and in with the new, I say.
It is refreshing to have a clean slate.
What do you think? Share with me!
I have to run, it's Wednesday and I have homework to do!
P.s. Don't you just want one of these adorable chairs?

Friday, January 18, 2013

{5 Things}

Alright, well. I made some what of a New Year's resolution to journal.
You see, I am not very good terrible at journaling outside this corner of the blog-asphere that I call home. But, I don't want to be. Hence the resolution.
Today, I finally went out on the hunt for that perfect journal.
I know, it's the 18th. I am off to a real good start, don't you think?
Sarcasm aside, I decide this was happening and I was going to force myself to do it.
As I strolled the stationary/planner/scrapbook isles in Target, I wasn't finding anything cute enough or cheap enough to sweeten the deal. Although as soon as I was about to give up on the half hearted search, a pop of yellow with a red tag indicating it was on clearance caught my eye!
Due to the kelly green ballet flats and lemon grass corduroy skinnies that were already in the cart, I have come to the conclusion I am in the mood for spring color.
Its January, Clarissa. January!
 Anywho, I scooped that baby up faster then you could say "I don't journal" and away we went.
As I bonded with my newly spoken for clearenced yellow journal, I had a thought.
I believe most of my great thoughts happen in Target.
What if instead of forcing myself to write down every detail of the day, because this is the biggest reason I don't like to journal, why don't I pick the 5 things in my day that stood out? The good, bad and the ugly. Honestly, those are the things we remember most deep down inside anyways, so why not write them down?
And there you have it folks, we have a journaling plan.
So what are my first 5 things you ask?
1.  This little lemon yellow journal. of course. I am smitten with you.
2. Thrifting with momma and Tori. Fun little girls outing.
3. Random lookie-louing through big lots as a family. We never go in there.
4. I am sticking to solid color manicures from now on. I truly do not have the skill to do cute things with my nails.
5. Egg Flower soup. mmmm... I swear this soup could solve any problem the world has to offer. not really, but you get the point.
Tada! I have completed my first 5 things! yay!
Happy weekending,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

{Sunday Afternoon}

Pinned Image
I write to you with my hair in a top knot while wearing sweats and tucking my bare feet under me to warm these relentless cold toes of mine. Why I never put socks on, is beyond me.
It is a bit cold and blustery on this first Sunday of the year.
I have impromptu plans with two of my gal pals and an old friend of mine this afternoon.
School starts back up on Tuesday, I have cleaned out all of last quarter's paper work and have received the books I need for this quarter.
All of these things are in my bag and ready for the day.
I am praying and readying myself to dig into my new major.
The new year has begun, there is no more waiting for it or longing for it.
She is here and,boy, is she fierce.
I find Grace to be an important focal point of this new year.
I am a perfectionist, and I have a hard time learning to live in Grace.
I yearn to accept Grace.
So this year along with my other goals of journaling & learning and using my new Cannon Rebel T3, I will hold myself to a standard of Grace.
Not perfection.
How precious a gift to choose as a goal! A sweet, sweet blessing.
 I don't have to be perfect or want to be perfect because I have a Heavenly Father who is absolutely in every sense, perfect.
" Walk humbly, boldly, and gratefully in the direction you are being led, and the Lord will surely never let you fail. At least not failure as He defines it. And what other definition should matter?" - Angie Smith
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon friends, it is to be the first of many. 
And before you leave, here is my favorite picture of 2013.
For now at least, but it is going to have to be pretty darn great to beat this one.
Me. My Cannon. And my favorite little man.
Candid shot.
Thanks Sis.

© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall