Saturday, August 24, 2013

I'm a lot like cake.

You see, I needed to bake a cake last night for tonight. It was last minute, it was late, and my mind wasn't all there. I am a scratch kind of girl, but because of the time constraint, boxed it had to be. So I put on some worship music, poured my self a glass of cranberry juice and placed a handful of almonds onto a pretty plate for snacking and began the process. I almost immediately became distracted with trying to do too many things at once and it all went down hill from there.
After I piled the ingredients in the bowl and began to mix, I noticed that the batter was unusually thick and by the time I poured it into the pan I had a creeping feeling that something was wrong. It wasn't spreading right, the consistency was off, and I was worried.
And then it dawned on me. I used a WHOLE stick of butter when the recipe only called for a 1/3 cup. Needless to say, my blood pressure was rising. Although, I forged on.
After being in the oven for only 15 minutes, the cake was done. Even though, the box clearly states it should at least be in the oven for 30 minutes. Uh oh. My mom and her ever encouraging self said to let it cool, go to bed, and check on it in the morning. She was sure it would be fine.
If you like VERY dense cake like brownies, then yes, it was right up your alley. But, my perfectionist self was not happy with it.
After some brain storming, my mom asked "did the recipe call for water?" I replied (while curling my hair down the hall) "No, I don't think so." And just like that, as soon as the words came out of my mouth, it was like a perfect image of the directions appeared in my brain. OF COURSE, it called for water. And my mom found the box that proved it.
So, we had our answer. The great mystery of cake like brownies was solved. And it was all my fault.
I was determined to start over and do it right. (there is that perfectionism again.) I crumbled up the original cake to make cake balls at a later date. And this afternoon my mom and I rushed to the store to pick up yet another box of cake mix, so I could prove to myself I could do it, perfectly.
The cake this time was a different story. I checked and rechecked my ingredients and stayed as focused as possible. I was not going to fail.
And now after it has been frosted, cut up, served, and complimented: I see it.
I am just like that first cake.
I am constantly trying to do life with my own recipe. And when I forget the Living water, I am messy and not easily moldable. I have too much filler like the greasy butter that tastes great and looks good from the outside, but in actuality is doing more damage than good. And then in the end, I am resistant to the way the baker wants me to be.
Yuck. Who wants that cake?
And then comes that baker with the grace + mercy. He sometimes will break you down, fill you with some frosting that works like glue to put you back together and use you for another purpose. And then other times He will go to the store and remake you from the ground up as a reminder of his vast plans for you. All the while knowing in His image he made the first cake, prepared and ready to build it up to it's full potential.
This. This is what makes the baker renowned. He doesn't give up and throw that cake away. He spends time making it into the creation He has called it to be. Molding and working on it with the sweetest care.
Like cake in the arms of mercy.
I am so thankful He has opened my eyes to see this lesson that could have been easily glossed over. I must admit, I wasn't planning on sharing this little mishap of mine. It was going to be me and the cake's secret, but I am learning to show the imperfection filled sides of myself.
And what better way then to talk about cake?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Summer: Part 2

It's time to take on the second part of listing out my summer. And, boy, is this going to be a big one. 
I've been avoiding it for this reason alone. It's quite a task. 
So lets get started, shall we?
First off, do you remember when I said my favorite picture from this year was the one I showed you in this post? Well, the one above. I believe just shot it's way to first. Thanks iPhone. I'm getting it developed and framed asap.
I spent about all of July out of state in a land where they say y'all and sweet tea is readily available wherever you go. I got to spend time with sweet relatives that deserve the titles of Aunt and Uncle and their cool kids (who are my cousins. of course). By family ties they are older cousins, but in my heart they are much more.
I did more "boy" activities in 4 weeks with my cousins then I have done in my whole life. Lets just say, I received a crash course in all things superheroes, Xbox, and Nerf guns.
Blue Bell Buttered Pecan ice cream. That's all i'm going to say, you have to figure out the rest on your own.
I learned sharing a bathroom with boys can be an adventure. Read: It is not unusual to find wire strippers and airsoft guns in precarious places. Like, right next to a curling iron.
I made numerous trips to a sporting goods store called Academy. For reasons i'm still not completely sure on.
Quoting Pitch Perfect happens, at least, once a day. And i'm being generous with the "at least."
She Reads Truth has been so life giving and sweet this summer. Learning about the Women in the Bible has been empowering and downright inspiring. We just finished part three out of four, but don't let that stop you from joining us, sister. Monday we begin the last parts of the study, and I hope to see you there.
After my trip in July, I had the chance to soak up a week with another awesome Aunt and Uncle that included my sweet HJ. He is pictured above. I absolutely hate the fact that they live so far away, but I will take the time we get together gladly.
Harley Jacob. You, Mister, mean bunches and bunches and bunches to me. You are growing up way too darn fast and if I could put life in slow motion just to savor your chubby little feet as they tackle milestones, I would.
I paid for Fall quarter's tuition. That was fun. (please know, there is nothing but sarcasm in that statement)
Also, I am avoiding ordering books for fall.
White Gardenia has got to be one of my favorite scents. Ever, It's right up there with Magnolia, for me. The underlying message here is, I should have been born in the south.
So I started Wuthering Heights awhile a really long time ago and i'm not even close to finishing it. I did, however, start and finish a book titled Seventeenth Summer in about 24 hours. I'm moving on to Emma, soon. It's just really really big.
I made a cute little bunting banner today, thanks to the Lowe's paint department.
As I reach the end of this list, I think it's silly to think someone would want to read about my summer. The whole time I have been writing, the thoughts "these words aren't meaningful" and "what does it matter?" have bounced around in my brain. And I have come to the conclusion, part of being real includes sharing life and sometimes that life doesn't include words that are considered to be profound or deeply thought provoking. It's what happens in the moments that matter. 
All in all, my summer continues to be full of blessings. I still have a about a month to experience and document, so stay tuned.
Because, it's still summer.
© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall