Wednesday, May 21, 2014

day brighteners

Hey girl hey (and possible guy readers)! Its time for another #wednesdaywhatnot post.
I have to be honest, I wasn't quite sure what the prompt would be today. I was worse for wear and a bit over it all, if you know what i'm saying. 

Anywho this week I thought it might be good to post what brightens our Wednesdays, especially on a day like I was having. 

My reason to post happened in all of about 3 seconds. It's that moment when the young man in the elevator waited until every lady exited before stepping off himself. Chivalry is the best. I couldn't help but smile as I stepped out of that little silver box.

BUT WAIT, there's more!

When I got home from school, I found a package waiting for me. Ya know, one of those good ol' happy mail packages? I have recently fallen in love with @sassandcrafts jewelry (y'all gotta check her out) and low and behold I happened to win a sweet necklace (and a thrown in bracelet, because she's the sweetest) from last week's sale.

Needless to say, it was a double #wednesdaywhatnot kinda week. 

You know the drill, show me your snapshots from your Wednesday.

And I'll see y'all back here next week, if not sooner. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

from the cutting room floor

Another wednesday, another #wednesdaywhatnot.

This week's topic: a picture from the cutting room floor and the story behind it. Here's the deal, i'm an avid iphone photographer with very little space left in my phone's memory to prove it. Basically the concept behind the hashtag #fromthecuttingroomfloor is this: all those unposted pictures you have saved up in your camera roll for who knows what finally have a reason to be shown to the world(!)...that exclamation point is dedicated to all you iphone photogs out there who can relate. 

Anywho, back to the point. 

Last week, Kelly from Daisies and Daydreams and I spent most of our Monday afternoon stuck in egregious (there's that college vocab) traffic. That being said, we did get to examine the beauty that seems to be lost on the days we sail on by. Although the desert gets a bad rap, it truly is bursting forth with crazy amounts of merciful images from our Creator.

Awesome, right? It may have been hot, and a bit annoying sitting in stop-go-mostly stop traffic, but getting to really admire some fantastic sights was awe evoking. 

Why wasn't this picture posted, you ask? You see, I had more timely photos of our faces during the beginning, middle, and end of our journey in traffic to post. I'm sure you understand the importance. 

Now it's your turn, if you feel so inclined. Make sure to link back here, so I can see your fabulous shots. 

Just one more snapshot from my instagram feed from today. Why? Well, because I felt like it. Also, the top i'm wearing is pretty rad if you ask me and since this here is my blog, I get to state these things with out being asked. | sheesh...I should probably just stop while i'm ahead |

I have a strong sense that my 60's is showing. An era I associate with style wise, and less politically, that causes my father to inadvertently cringe and my future children to question what the heck I was thinking.

Happy Wednesday, folks.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

In the middle of it all

Lately I have been feeling like I am on a treadmill that has an ever increasing speed. I am running and always trying to play catch up. This quarter has me spread thin, so thin in fact, I haven't been able to sit and rest and write like I would love to do.

Instagram has been filling in as my mini blog for the lack of time to write real completely thought out posts. I started #wednesdaywhatnot about 4weeks ago to break up the monotony of the week, add a little fun into a hump day, and a chance to get to know some fellow Ig-ers.

So, I felt it natural to start sharing these post on here as only took four weeks to think of it, go figure.

This week I posed the question: in the middle of the chaos and busyness, what is something that you do that does your soul good?

For me, spending time in front of a window or tucked under the shade of a tree turns something as monotonous and annoying as studying is into something bearable and restful-ish.

*funfact: as soon as I posted this picture, my lovely little "restful-ish" space behind some bookshelves against the window in the library became a place where two young ladies decided to spend an hour laughing hysterically at some youtube clips. I'm sure they had a grand time, I on the other hand would have preferred their laughter to be taken elsewhere. I enjoyed the window though.

Now its your turn, if you feel so inclined. I'm off to hit the books some more and focus on the fact that I only have a total of 5 weeks until summer begins. Can I get an amen?!

© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall