I made this blog to talk about school and everything that goes on with it. The ups and downs, the midterms, the finals, the grades, and everything else in between. Right. Well, needless to say, I hate mentioning it. To be honest, most of the time I have a hard time liking school.
So I guess I better touch on the subject before another quarter ends (3 weeks!!)
Last quarter was terribly difficult for me, I had too much on my plate (5 classes=14 units YIKES!) and of course I didn't want to be here....I say "here" because I am sitting in the college library as we speak!
Anyways, when last quarter ended I was just thankful I made it through with some of my sanity still intact (there were moments where I wasn't really sure it was, people....Blunder.) The grades were a total plus! By the grace of God I passed every class but one with a B, and that other one I mentioned, had a final grade of an A...an A!! Blessing.
See what I did there?...yeah I still have alittle humor in me! Good ol' puns!
Go ahead, laugh at my lame joke and humor...
So on to this quarter. I only signed up for 12 units and attend Tuesdays and Thursdays. This has helped immensely! I fill so much more in control and calm. I have peace about school even if I still don't love being here...I know, I know that's terrible (I'm trying here)
I am 2 weeks away from finals and I am no where near the stress level I was at, at this time last quarter. I am so very thankful for this, I am not so sure I could have made it through another quarter like that. I feel more confident upon next quarter, I am even kicking around the idea of taking one additional class so I have more than 12 units for next quarter.....I, of course, am still contemplating this....I register on Thursday (Pray for me this day, it will be a stressful one since I have last priority for space in classes)
Okay, so there is a small recap of the latest events involving college. I feel better now, I have been putting off writing about this for awhile (I didn't want to sound as bad as I really was....isn't that terrible? I am supposed to be honest on this blog but I was avoiding writing honestly so I didn't sound true to form. I am going to have to work on that)
For what the Lord has in store for me in the future, I don't know, but for right now, I will take my time, slowly just getting through my general education requirements, and take everything one day at a time.
That's it.
I pray I can remember this, when I think things aren't as simple as they can be.
If you are on Pinterest or follow other blogs, I know you have seen these EVERYWHERE.
But, it's the truth.
So simply put.

Remember to Sparkle.