365, days that is. That equals one year, 52 weeks to be exact.
My hunny and I have been dating that long.
I seriously have a hard time wrapping my head around this. So much has happened in one year it feels like "5 years(in a good way)" so P told me.
Here is a list of compiled events:
Monumental events of the year February 2011 to February 2012.
*Est. February 14th 2011
* Grandpa told the nursing staff P was his grandson-in law: April 24th
(still melts my heart, love you gpa xoxo)
*Graduation was: June 8th
*Grandpa passed away: June 9th
*P first day of college: August 22nd
*My first day of college September 22nd
*My 18th birthday: October 9th
*P got hired for his first real job at Toys "R" us: October 29th
*Spent my first Thanksgiving without my family, instead we spent it with P's
*P had his Christmas Eve with the Toll's: December 25th
*Spent Christmas Day with P, I met his grandparents from Kansas
*Celebrated P's 19th Birthday: January 8th
*February 14th: one whole year!
As you can see, the year flew by. You definitely realize just how fast time flies when you are counting down to a date.
So to celebrate that important milestone We....
Yeah, so we both had school yesterday. Me in the morning and him at night. I didn't see him till around 9pm. We were both exhausted. I was sick, he was hurting from work and we both didn't look together enough to even take a picture.
so this is what we did with what we had:

The night before our anniversary, he surprised me with homemade sugar cookie....I may be biased, but these were the best sugar cookies I have ever had!
He also dropped of my lunch he had made me for school!

2 heart shaped pb&j's, 2 more of those sugar scrumptious sugar cookies, a handful of Hershey Kisses, a bag of m&m's, an apple, and a very sweet card!
I added veggies to make this very sweet lunch a little less bad ;)
That night, after he left for school, I snuck over to his house to cover his wall with Post it notes with little sayings of love and a few little trinkets that I placed on his bed.
While in the middle of this, he called - and at that moment his dad walked in trying to tell me something! As I am making hand signals for his dad to stop talking, P is on the other side of the phone asking me what I am doing...
thankfully he had no idea and was pleasantly surprised!

After I got done decorating I hurried home to decorate a table with his gifts.
Sorry about the poor picture quality, my phone likes some lights and hates others.
I will show you how to make those tissue flowers and cupids arrow in another post, super easy :)

These letters are some of the things I put together for him. I really liked how the stamping came out, I had totally forgotten about them until recently and now I want to use them for everything!
In the large envelope is a Sweetheart letter made with the sweetheart candies to replace some words, it turned out really cute! I thought I had a picture, but now I'm bummed,I can't find it :(
Anywho, the cool thing about having such a cliche anniversary, is you have the excuse to go all out Valentines Day! It was alot of fun just shopping for cute gifts and ideas involving the Vday.
Let me tell you, this boy can keep me guessing.
He handed me this container when he got here and told me to open it.
It was anticlimactic to say the least, I opened the container to find a ball of silly putty I had given him for Christmas.
I looked at him with a "if you are going to re gift something at least don't give it to the person who gave it to you" kind of look.
He knows me, so automatically he told me to pick it up.
Still puzzled I picked it up and started to move it around in my hands.
To my surprise, something shiny and hard started to show...
Slowly I moved the silly putty away and I was shocked to see this!
It is a simply beautiful ring that I adore.
He told me that he spent too long trying to figure out if I would want one that had some pink bling on the heart or just the simple silver heart. He said he chose the silver heart since I like to have everything match. That boy knows me.
After he gave me the ring he asked me to walk out front with him. We walked down the grass to the edge of the lawn, he stopped me and placed me on the concrete. At this point I knew what he was doing, this was the exact spot a year ago he asked me to be his girl...
My guy doesn't always show his love with his words or gifts, usually he writes his love in letters. So it was absolutely lovely to hear him tell me how much he loved me and how lucky he was to have me.
He re asked me to be his girl, in the exact spot I originally said yes.
Of course, I said yes! again.
Since we didn't get to celebrate to the extent we wanted to, he has made a elaborate plan for Saturday. This plan I know very little about, and if you know me, you know this drives me crazy!
It is all a surprise and I can not wait!
So here's to another year full of ups and downs and moments we won't soon forget!
Love you P. You mean the world to me.
To my readers: thanks for taking the time to enjoy our day.
Remember to Sparkle.
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