Monday, March 12, 2012


I wanted to share with you a quote I read today in my devotional A Life of Worship. The foreword is by Sheila Walsh. It inspired me.
"We shouldn't try to be angels. We are asked to be women who do what women were made to do. And when our lives glorify our Heavenly Father, we captivate our audiences. Even the angels stand in amazement."
So simple don't you think?
I just started the book today and I am so excited to dig into it.
Which means you all may be hearing more from it.... :)
I recently ran across this video on one of my friend's Facebook.
And I thought I would share it with you as well. It takes a different perspective to Proverbs 31.
Now, don't be afraid to watch because of that face the video is frozen on! :)
Remember to Sparkle.

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Maira Gall