Saturday, August 4, 2012

{Why, Lord}

Before I give you my thoughts for this post, I need to give you a back story first.
Last April, I went on Women's Retreat with my church. A beautiful woman spoke beautiful words to my heart and reminded me that the Lord's plan for my life is what I am to seek constantly. During our weekend on the mountain I shared with the women in my church that I was unsure of where the Lord was taking me in my life and what He wanted from me. And as I was speaking, tears brimmed my eyes as I spoke the words It is Well with my Soul. Whatever He had for me, I was going to repeat those words. Little did I know then....
Now four months later, I find myself saying those same words to something I never thought I would have to.
Or ever want to.
My boyfriend of almost a year and a half came to me about a week ago to inform me that he had felt the Lord tell him he was not the one for me and I was not the one for him. And that he felt he could no longer date me. My world is shattered. We made plans and dreamed together. I had a future life already laid out. In no way did I feel as if the Lord was directing us on different paths.  
Now, in all honesty I am saying It is Well with my Soul.
But, I am also asking why?
There are so many whys, I think I would run out of space trying to list them all.
I feel as if I still haven't completely wrapped my head or heart around it.
I am desperately trying to seek my Lord in this and give it all to Him, but I am struggling to not focus on my plans and my dreams. I am here to live a life for God, not for my own wishes.
Which is extremely hard to do, if I do say so myself,
I am broken hearted and struggling not to tear up and any moment.
Little things hit me in the biggest ways, and that's what makes it hard.
So friends, I express my heart with you because this blog was created to share in everything. The Happiness and Sadness.
I also ask you for prayer. For me, as well as him. I know he did truly love and care about me, so I can only imagine how he is feeling in all of this.
It is going to be a long process, and I sure you will share in my trials with this again.
My only prayer is that I will praise God in all of this.
That He will say to me one day, "Well done, my good and faithful Servant"
So I will meet Him at the cross daily saying,
It is Well with my Soul.


  1. Hugs kiddo...I know this wasn't easy to post, but your heart is beautiful and in the right place. I know you have a lot of family and friends to support you, remember that when you are feeling overwhelmed and reach out for the people He has placed by your side. Oxoxox

  2. i've been thinking about you! greg told me yesterday that this happened. i'm here if you need to talk! love you girl!


© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall