The clock says it is 6:48 as I sit down to type this and already so much has happened on this Monday morning.
I started my day at 5am with a sigh as I heard my alarm begin. {Insert: ERRRR ERRRR ERRRR here if you would like.} I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and was not excited to get the day going.
I grabbed my laptop and devotional bag and promptly slipped right back into bed. The devotional through #shereadstruth {just started today, come join us!} is about prayer in the bible. Today was on prayers of praise and I wasn't all too pleased with my lack of praise for this morning. I was surprised at how hard it was for me to pray with praise, just simple praise, when I know there are a gillion things I could praise Him for. I left my devotional time a little perturbed, making a mental note to write down all the praises for today, and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the first day of Spring quarter {Now you understand my non-excitement, don't you?}
I felt sluggish. Praying to the Lord while doing my makeup is a pretty common morning thing for me, and today I was asking for a happy heart. {It is the one solid part of my day I am surrounded by quiet, I AM quiet, and I have already allotted the time to be} I was going to have all new classes, all new professors, an all new schedule, and I wasn't really looking forward to it. I told the Lord of my heart and kept on going. I wasn't going to dwell on it.
So when it came time to start getting my backpack ready and to munch on some breakfast-ish substance, I felt an urge to make sure I had all the right room numbers for my classes. So I logged on to the school website for a quick peak. Before I could get to my class schedule, though, something out of the corner of my caught my attention. "April 1st: Cesar Chavez Day (observed) campus closed" {Insert momentary mass chaos in my brain here} Today is April 1st I said out loud {too loud, for a house in which 50% of it's occupants were still sleeping} I then checked my weekly schedule and in fact, there were no classes on my schedule for today.
I was fully prepared to start the new quarter today, but I now have two more days {my schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays} without any homework! Can you say, major praise?? It is a blessing I had no clue was coming and I am desperately thankful I listened to the prompting of the Lord to go online and check about my classes. {if you were wondering, yes, two of my classes' classrooms had changed}
Along with my individual praise this morning, today, a sweet organization called No.41 and people across the country are praying, fasting and donating to feed local school children in Rwanda.
No.41 has rocked my heart like no other. To see what a young woman's heart and dream can do when she seeks the Lord, has been a testament to me. It is a blessing that has opened my eyes and heart. Today, I pray for one little one. I ask that their belly would be content and that they would see the love, glory, and grace of the Lord in that meal that fills their belly.
Check them out here: www.no41.org
My heart is in Rwanda today, while I praise and worship here.
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