Sunday, December 9, 2012


The quarter was officially over last Friday.
Praise the good Lord, He got me through.
He blessed me with a peace and calmness that I had not felt in college yet.
I have cherished this blessing the most.
I can honestly say, in my communication with Him, I chose to worship him in school.
I gave my classes and my assignments over to Him.
I did my very best to let go and see His blessings in the past ten weeks.
And in this time, I came to the fully understanding that I was not being called to be a nurse.
Jesus, was not directing me in that path of education.
When I thought about the task and the schooling, my heart would become heavy.
I love people and helping them in their time of need.
And yet at the same time, I didn't feel like I could do my very best at those things if I became a nurse.
Kind of funny isn't it?
I know.
In all honesty, I have been struggling with my major choice for a good solid six months.
Maybe even longer than that.
Everything sounds great on paper, until you break it down to it's core and analyze it until you feel as if your head wants to explode.
It happens, people.
So this quarter, I knew I had to change my major so that I could start jumping through the new hoops and get the ball rolling.
Gosh, did I struggle.
What was I going to choose?
Where did God want me?
Why was this so difficult?
Lord, why aren't you just dropping hints to where I need to be?
(sheesh, why do I question Him?)
So the quest began and prayers were being said at night before going to bed and muttered under my breath while walking to class as my mind began to stress.
And I can't tell you exactly when where or why, but one day the Lord placed communication on my heart.
I like to communicate.
I like to talk and express my feelings.
I like to hear people talk and express their feelings.
I like to share emotions.
I am learning that I am more like my Momma more and more each day.
I cry. Alot.
And I don't consider this a bad thing.
I am sometimes (most of the time) overwhelmed with emotion, good and bad, and by things that don't even have to concern me.
I like to connect with people.
It brings me true joy when I can share a cup of coffee or stand in a Disneyland line with someone and have a raw conversation.
To communicate with people, is a passion of mine.
As I started to look into communication, I found an emphasis in Public Relations.
And I felt a peace about this.
Now some of you may be thinking, What?
This girl wants to work in Public Relations?
Where people aren't the nicest a very large part of the time?
Yes. Exactly.
I feel one of my talents is communicating with people.
In their time of frustration, I want to be that understanding helpful person.
A person that when they are done needing me they felt that they were truly understood and helped.
I want to show Christ's love in my communication.
I want people to feel his love from the moment they walk up to my desk or wherever I am.
I want them to feel special and important in that moment.
I sometimes feel that we as humans don't do this enough.
We are all so focused on our own agendas and our own needs, we forget in the small moments to stop, breathe, and really take in whats going on around us.
I believe if we all did this more often we wouldn't be on each other's nerves as often.
Go figure.
I am not perfect at this and I need work, but I want to do this for the glory of the Lord.
Through me, He will show His love for people.
It will not be my broken flesh that will perfectly communicate with others, but His wonderful plan will shine through my works.
I pray that the Lord will continue to give me the peace I feel now with this major choice.
I haven't a clue where He will lead me with this degree, but I pray I will open heartedly follow His plan and His purpose for my life where ever that may be.
In that,
I am now a Communications major with an emphasis in Public Relations and a girl who wants desperately to find the purpose God is seeking her life.
Father, lead me to Your heart.
 P.s. I am looking forward to this month of vacation from school. How nice it will be to sleep in!

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© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall