In honor of winter break and the borrowed book I have been waiting to read for what seems like forever, I am going to blog through my reading of Jane Austen's Emma.
This book isn't a quick read, and for my own sanity and enjoyment I thought it would be fun to use the blog as an accountability partner. Also, my girl Kelly (lender of said book) over at Daisies and Daydreams decided to join in on the "fun" and blog through one of the books she borrowed from me (The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor).
Who could resist this winter break/coffee shop/book swap/blogging extravaganza?
Our alliteration loving selves just couldn't.
Shall we introduce ourselves?
So, the tentative plan for now is to blog weekly about the books. This can include favorite quotes, character break down/analysis, and life relatables.
I'll link to D+D's as well. And maybe there will be a swap day, who knows. There are so many possibilities!
Grab a cup of coffee and please join us as we navigate through blogging a couple of novels. It's gonna rock.
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