Okay ladies, real talk.
After my own experience(s) and talking to old and new friends lately, I have come to the age old conclusion.
Dolls,We just want to be loved.
Some of us have dated guys who are considered the "bad boys."
Some of us have dated certain guys just because they paid attention to us. Frankly, we never even really had to "like" them.
Some of us have dated the same guy over and over again and we are surprised when we come to the very same conclusion that "we just don't work together."
Some of us have dated guys who meet all of our requirements and yet something is still amiss.
Some of us have never dated any of these guys, or any guy rather, and we long to date any of the above, no matter which category they fall under.
Whew. Gals, why do we do this to ourselves? We go through this vicious cycle over and over again, just so we can feel "loved" by a man. We program our emotions to continually take over to the point where we believe we fall somewhere on the "I need a man to feel loved and I am not worthy enough to have the guy God would want for me" scale. Some of us don't lie on the far sides of the scale, but rarely do we ever really land in the happy middle.
Because of our insecurities of wanting to be loved we don't choose to see what God sees. Instead we see what society, our insecurities, ever changing emotions, and our comparisons hold for us.
As stated in one of my all time favorite movies, Sweet Home Alabama:
Jake: What is it about you Southern girls? You can't make the right decisions til you tried all the wrong ones.
Melanie: At least I fight for what I want.
Jake: Oh what do you want, Melanie? I don't even think you know.
It isn't often a handsome southern man tells us this in the rain, but if we are being honest, we could say this is true on at least some accounts in our lives.
We may not know what we want, but we do know we want love. And we will go for that, sometimes where ever we can find it.
Never truly stopping to think, we are made completely whole
by our heavenly Father's love.
Sure, time to time we accept this notion, yet in a few hours we are onto focusing on the next insecurity that rears it's ugly little head.
Oi. I am thankful to have a heavenly Father that listens to those up and downs. Can you say broken record?
If only we as women would choose to take comfort in our faith alone and be made completely whole.
To make the choice each day, to focus on being made whole by the Lord, only.
Not to allow man or our own emotions to tear us down.
Wouldn't that be just grand?
Well, we all know it ain't (use of "ain't" is only used here for emphasis and the fact that I quoted Sweet Home Alabama, I just can't help it.) going to happen in my lifetime.
So here I sit, a broken woman. A woman that can only find that guy when I choose to see complete wholeness outside my broken self and broken others.
Only when I do this and continually ask for grace in the times I stumble, will the Lord bless me with that guy.
That guy, who takes the time to learn and winds up loving my quirks instead of memorizing a list of them to end up only tolerating them.
That guy, who will love Jesus more than I and will show His love to me daily even when I don't deserve it.
That guy, who will smile and choose to love the fact that I repeat funny lines in movies out loud as I chuckle, right after the actor has delivered them so perfectly. Even though, it will drive him nuts.
That guy, will see my heart in my writing. He may never completely understand why I blog, but he will support me and sit next to me as the soft hum of my keys type in the background. Heck, he may become the topic of some of those very blogs posts, and i'd bet, he would be okay with that too.
That guy, who will go toe to toe with me when my nasty stubborn streak shows up in town. And when I don't play nice, he will play "She is Everything to Me" by Brad Paisley, scoop me up and dance with me in the kitchen, It'll happen. That is a promise.
That guy, will take in any antique or thrifted item I happen to drag home, even though he will continually state "babe, you don't have a place to put that." He will do it out of the kindness of his heart, because he will know antiques and a good deal warm the cockles of my heart. And in the end, he too will love those items because I love them.
That guy, will love my momma as much as I do. He will dote on her, like a real gentlemen. He will bend over backwards to share his time with my family because he knows they are my life line.
That guy, will open the front door each evening after work and prepare for whatever whim I may be up to and chuckle and smile to himself when I am blue over something not being "just so." He will tip my chin up so that I can see his face and tell me whatever it is, is just fine and to sit down so he can pour me a cup of tea (okay, maybe I am dreaming alittle too hard here, but a girl can dream!) because he knows, that is just me.
We can dream all we want over that guy, but we can't lose sight of our center of completeness. Or else, we may end up with more checks on our list of categorized guys.
For me, I want to find my comfort in completeness of the Lord so I can be that girl, for that guy.