Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Clarissa hearts summer : part deux

Well this isn't really a continuation, but a "I-forgot-about-a-few-things-that-relate-to-the-last-post" post.

Basically, I left some important things off my original list.

The first calls for a backstory. This desert has some crazy beautiful sunrises and I have been missing them being that I have been getting up later due to my later classes. While I like my sleep, I genuinely miss these natural paintings splashed across the sky so at least once this summer I want to sit, wait, watch, and photograph the early morning splendor. Who wants to join me? 

The second is pretty self explanatory if you've ever spent an hour with me and my iphone. I photograph EVERYTHING (much to my friends' disdain), so since I've run out of memory and am in desperate need of an IOS update I have to spend sometime downloading and deleting. This hurts, friends, it hurts real bad. Sniff. (I feel the need to mention that I have been putting this off for months and have flat ran out of excuses. I may or may not have a problem.)

And the third...no i'm not the Riddler, I just can't remember what the heck the third thing was I forgot to write for my last list. The worst part is, I know for a fact there was indeed a third thing to write down. Riddle me that, Batman. Needless to say, I really need to get in the habit of immediately writing thoughts down. Its not like I have journals stashed and stacked everywhere or anything...

Oh, and another thing!
Sometimes you just gotta spruce things up a bit. I think its fitting for the season, but who knows how long it will stay. 

Heck, I don't even know if my list for summer will stay the same with my memory and all. 

...what am I writing about again?

Just kidding. Sort of. 

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Maira Gall