Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wednesdays are meant for pink

I haven't posted a #wednesdaywhatnot in awhile and I've missed it (If you have no clue what I'm talking about, start here.) I love seeing a snippet of y'alls day or learning something new about you each week. 

So we're still at it, even with the inconsistencies.

I went easy this week and asked simply what everybody was up to on their Wednesday. I got responses from sipping on sweet tea to adventures in Alaska as well as touring art museums in Poland. Y'all really are digging deep into summer and I'm loving it. 

I found myself whipping up a strawberry cake* and singing along to Patsy Cline. That woman and baking make me weepy for some reason. Sheesh. 

The cake then became delicious cake balls later in the afternoon when I spent some time with a sweet old friend sharing in the "art" of making them and watching Harry Potter movies. I love how baking brings women together like no other, its a community effort with a sweet result that truly can't be obtained by any other activity. You build foundations and grow roots while baking. (If you have been reading for awhile, you know I like talking about cake, if you haven't, read here.)

The finished product yielded Chocolate Covered Strawberry and Mounds (think candy bar) scrumptious little morsels. If college doesn't pan out, I'm going into the cake ball business. I mean, who needs a degree when you have cake? (no need to panic, I'm just joking.) 

It definitely has been one of my favorite afternoons of the summer.  

Where did you find yourself this past Wednesday?

*On Wednesdays, we bake pink cakes. (get it?)

Monday, June 23, 2014

she blogs

This beauty (who used to think what I did was "weird") started a blog.

Its a sweet new space full of compassion and grace; a corner of the Internet I'm sure you'll want to visit regularly. 

Even if she used to think my blog/blogs in general were odd...(we're sisters, so I'm allowed to give her a hard time about these things. Also I take photos of her mug on the regular, so she has really no room to talk.)

I trust you to follow my instructions and go visit her.


p.s. why yes, I do crack myself up. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

"big data"-ing

This summer I am apart of a team that is researching "big data" and all the ambiguous things it entails.

We've all heard of it, but we silently ask "what is the world is "big data" and why the heck haven't they come up with a better name for it yet?" every time we hear it on the news or read it in the paper. 

So before I ramble about what exactly I'm doing, let me attempt to define it for you (with a little bit of help from my friend Webster, of course.)

"An accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools."

Now that I've let Webster give us the surface meaning, I'll tell you the real deal. 

Every time you like something on facebook, search something on google, post on instagram, write on a blog, go to a blog, buy something off of amazon, and tweet a celebrity or your bestie next door, you and your information are being processed and stored for future use by these companies and our government (think Snowden.) This data can be your name, birthday, what your favorite color is, who your momma is, spending patterns/buying habits, where you like to eat, where you live (we're talking addresses in some cases), who you dig and the list goes on and on. Facebook and the like sell it to advertisers that then "magically" manage to find their product advertisements in your feeds and your "Customers who bought this, also like this..." sections. 

That, my friends, is big data.

With all this data being collected off of every single person who scrolls through the Internet, you can imagine why the word "big" finds its way in front of the term. 

So as a team we are asking, what will our world look like in time with our current use of big data? Basically, what will be the repercussions in years to come. 

This means I find myself sifting through MANY articles on the topic in front of a computer screen for multiple hours a day. Between yesterday and today alone, I have read/skimmed/processed 200 articles. (feel free to cringe, I know I do.) And then once all the material is processed we will analyse, process again, and then write a report in hopes of our findings being published in a scholarly journal. Oh, did I mention we will also be presenting this to scholars at the end of the summer? Yeah, that's a thing.

I believe without a doubt that this concept will soon be stocking my dreams much like the Grimm Reaper, but instead of rocking the menacing black robe and holding a scythe he'll be dressed like an NSA agent and a lasso of Internet cable will be in his hand which he uses to pull information out of you (a bit of a stretch, but you get the picture.) If this actually happens, I'll be sure and write the whole thing down so y'all can share in the merriment. 

Also, I believe the words "big" and "data" in the same sentence will gain a tone of curse like inflection a few weeks down the road. I can feel it. 

Anyway, now that I've completely lost you with my off kilter notions, I'll leave you with a few of my favorite quotes from my reading on the topic thus far. They are sarcastic gems that in knee deep research make me laugh and remember humor still exists. 

"The more I hear the term "big data," the more suspicious I become. Not in an Edward Snowden, the evil government's spying on us sort of way. If the curious of Fort Meade, Md., the National Security Agency's home, wish to poke through my electronic sock drawers for signs of terror, they are more than welcome. Happy to do my bit for national security." -Philip Delves Broughton, Wall Street Journal

"A COUPLE of weeks ago, my laptop died. My stomach churned as I realized that a full day's worth of work had vanished. "Maybe I could just ask the National Security Agency for a copy of it," I said to myself. "They have everything now." I didn't know which surveillance bureaucrat to call, and that's a shame." - John Schwartz, New York Times. 

Oh but wait, Mr. Schwartz continues his snide tone well into the article in which he discusses the need for the data collected to be given back to the individual for monetary or insightful gain. Prepare yourself for this. 

"Here's where it gets really cool: it all comes together in a little algorithm I'd like to call a "modest data proposal." Let's say my Fitbit shows that I'm getting into shape and my medical and insurance records suggest that I have no big health problems like heart disease or stroke ahead of me. In fact, I'm likely to live to 100. But my bank account and investment data show that I haven't built up a financial cushion for a lengthy retirement. At this rate, I'm almost certain to end up becoming a drag on Social Security and the health care system.
 Under my plan -- let's call it the lifestyle death panel -- the government would recommend that I take up smoking. That would shorten my life and help keep entitlement spending under control. I'll bet that tobacco companies might even pay for the ads.
 Or, as an alternative, Uncle Sam could encourage me to eat Triple Whoppers." 

And on that note, I leave you. 

P.s. Thanks for stopping in NSA Agents and Advertisers of the like, I'm sure my excessive use of your favorite buzz words tipped you off, it was my pleasure. You're more than welcome to check my Internet sock drawers as well. Happy hunting. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Clarissa hearts summer : part deux

Well this isn't really a continuation, but a "I-forgot-about-a-few-things-that-relate-to-the-last-post" post.

Basically, I left some important things off my original list.

The first calls for a backstory. This desert has some crazy beautiful sunrises and I have been missing them being that I have been getting up later due to my later classes. While I like my sleep, I genuinely miss these natural paintings splashed across the sky so at least once this summer I want to sit, wait, watch, and photograph the early morning splendor. Who wants to join me? 

The second is pretty self explanatory if you've ever spent an hour with me and my iphone. I photograph EVERYTHING (much to my friends' disdain), so since I've run out of memory and am in desperate need of an IOS update I have to spend sometime downloading and deleting. This hurts, friends, it hurts real bad. Sniff. (I feel the need to mention that I have been putting this off for months and have flat ran out of excuses. I may or may not have a problem.)

And the i'm not the Riddler, I just can't remember what the heck the third thing was I forgot to write for my last list. The worst part is, I know for a fact there was indeed a third thing to write down. Riddle me that, Batman. Needless to say, I really need to get in the habit of immediately writing thoughts down. Its not like I have journals stashed and stacked everywhere or anything...

Oh, and another thing!
Sometimes you just gotta spruce things up a bit. I think its fitting for the season, but who knows how long it will stay. 

Heck, I don't even know if my list for summer will stay the same with my memory and all. 

...what am I writing about again?

Just kidding. Sort of. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Clarissa hearts summer

My. Word. Its finally here. FINALLY.

With the completion of my last two finals this afternoon I have been freed from exams, papers, and obnoxious lectures for the next three months and its glorious. 

Okay...well i'm not completely free, i'll be working with a team of students and a professor from my department throughout summer researching the internet's Big Data and privacy, but they're paying me and it will look really good on my someday resume so that's cool. 

Anyways back to real point of this post. I asked this question yesterday on Instagram...

And so I give you how summer will sweep me away:
-Cleaning my room and washing my car*
*please don't be fooled I dislike both of these tasks, but life has really gotten away from me and created quite the chaos around me. Hence the need for deep cleaning. 
-Crazy amounts of reading. I really can't wait to read for fun again. 
-Travel to a few new states as well as a visit to a known state where a sweet babe and his mom and dad live.
-Exercise. Running-ish and biking. I'm being intentional. folks.
-Documentation of all the things. I have a project for this, I'll share soon, k?
-Connecting. I want to be intentional with relationships this summer. 
-And all the other little things summer would be incomplete without. 

What about you, care to answer such an ambiguous question as this?

Signing off to get into comfy clothes, eat junk food, and start reading a new book.

© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall