Friday, June 13, 2014

Clarissa hearts summer

My. Word. Its finally here. FINALLY.

With the completion of my last two finals this afternoon I have been freed from exams, papers, and obnoxious lectures for the next three months and its glorious. 

Okay...well i'm not completely free, i'll be working with a team of students and a professor from my department throughout summer researching the internet's Big Data and privacy, but they're paying me and it will look really good on my someday resume so that's cool. 

Anyways back to real point of this post. I asked this question yesterday on Instagram...

And so I give you how summer will sweep me away:
-Cleaning my room and washing my car*
*please don't be fooled I dislike both of these tasks, but life has really gotten away from me and created quite the chaos around me. Hence the need for deep cleaning. 
-Crazy amounts of reading. I really can't wait to read for fun again. 
-Travel to a few new states as well as a visit to a known state where a sweet babe and his mom and dad live.
-Exercise. Running-ish and biking. I'm being intentional. folks.
-Documentation of all the things. I have a project for this, I'll share soon, k?
-Connecting. I want to be intentional with relationships this summer. 
-And all the other little things summer would be incomplete without. 

What about you, care to answer such an ambiguous question as this?

Signing off to get into comfy clothes, eat junk food, and start reading a new book.


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© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall