Saturday, June 2, 2012


Everyone had that one friend.
The one you were best friends with
You did everything together.
And then
Because you both were immature and focused on only the moment
You let something little and unimportant slip into your friendship and drive a wedge in between the two of you.
Because A LOT of these cases happen while in high school, you let your immature firends fan the fires.
Am I alone in this?
at least I hope I'm not the only one who has had these issues.
That would mean I was.....alone....
Okay so.
I was thankful enough to have my friendship not stay this way.
And in turn, I have been blessed with a sweet friend.
Friendship to me is like sisterhood.
It's for life
And I am grateful to be considered part of it.
My point being in this little post, do not let little things drive in between you.
Friendship is the Lord's blessing.
Mainly-- to women I believe.
Where else would we get out our 5,000 words in the day??
Count your friends as blessings. Always.
Thank you Lord, for my friends. I know you alone have blessed me with the chance to be in their lives. I live to honor you with all that I do.
Remember to Sparkle, Friends!

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Maira Gall