Monday, March 26, 2012

{God is able}

I ended my Winter quarter last Thursday.
I had three finals: Social Science, Political Science, and Math 90.
Now, I wasn't really worried about social science or the poly sci. I had done extra credit work in both classes and held a strong grade through out the quarter. I wasn't worried at all about passing those classes. But math,was another story. First off, math isn't a strong subject of mine.And Second. I HATE it. Before the final I had an 86.4. High B. I'm good with that. I was worried about the final because of the way the math department runs, in order to pass the class you must pass the final exam with a 70 or you will receive no credit for the course. Which means, my 86.4 means nothing if I don't get at least a 70 on my final.
Scared for me yet?
So on Tuesday last week I had to take my final for Math 90. I was really nervous. I took out my scan tron and spun it around on my desk, praying for courage strenght knowledge and peace. I was calmer and ready as I ever was going to be to take the test.
before that....
I had to over here this lovely guy (Sarcasm) two rows over say to his friend, "Ya know, You can really only miss 1 question on the open ended portion and 2 on the multiple choice section to be able to pass the test"
A Lot.
So needless to say, my stress level rose again.
I tried to drown out the comment that seemed to be on a continuous loop in my brain, just long enough to take the test.
The test wasn't easy, but I didn't think I failed. I turned it in, and practically ran out of the classroom.
Let the Panicking commence.
I prayed again. For understanding and contentment with whatever score I received.
Now this is totally easy when you think its no biggie and your going to pass....
When I got home, I tried to forget about it and just breathe. I was trusting in God...or so I thought.
Later that night, I went to check my grade.
I was confident.
and terrified.
I don't even know how to describe my feelings when I saw my grade. I just started balling my eyes out, sitting there staring at the computer screen.
The grade you ask?
So close. And yet so far.
I wasn't trusting God. I was relying on my own "strengths". If I had accepted God's plan, I would never have shed a tear. I would have chosen to take it for what is was and praised him either way.
I spent the rest of the night in and out of tears.
My Dad, forced me into the car and took me for ice cream to get my mind off things.
I was trying to pull it together.
I was angry and sad.
The next couple days I spent trying not to think about it, I was going to accept it one day. Just not today.
On Sunday, I was on worship team. During practice before service we were running through the songs.
And I heard God Is Able like never before.
As I was singing, "In His name, we overcome, For the Lord, our God is able
God is with us,God is on our side, He will make a way"
He grabbed my heart.
Clarissa you said you would be accepting of whatever came from this test. You did not pass. That's okay, You will take the class again. Trust me. I will get you through this. I have my plan.
That's it.
How ridiculous was I being to ask God for his plan and then be angry that He didn't choose what I wanted.
I am such a spoiled brat.
From that moment, I chose to accept the 66.7. I was going to have to take Math 90 again. Okay, I can do it, "In His name, we overcome, For the Lord, our God is able
God is with us,God is on our side, He will make a way"
After practice and before service I ran into a sweet friend who knew about my grade and had also been attending my college for a little bit longer than I had.
She told me that the math department only requires a 60 percent to pass the class and test!
My professor had only told me 70 to scare me!
Which means, I HAD PASSED THE CLASS!!!
I couldn't believe it, I was in awe of my Lord.
During service, while singing God Is Able, I had a hard time holding it together.
He had made a way, He was on my side.
Just writing this post to you all brings that awe all over me, again.
Now in my official grade section on my account, my Math 90 grade is written "B"
I could scream I am so happy!
How amazing our God is.
Remember to Sparkle!


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© Clarissa Doesn't Explain it All.
Maira Gall